Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WHAT am I doing?!

Sometimes I wonder what the heck I'm doing with my life. Do you ever feel that way?

I went to university and got a degree in the only subject area that interested me - biology/chemistry. But of course I don't use it now! In order to use my degree, I'd have to go to grad school. After 4 straight years of classes (full summer sessions included), I just didn't want to do another 2 year program. But now, I have decided to go back to uni for yet another degree.

This time around, I have chosen accounting since you know, I've basically been an accountant for the past 5 years. I think that since I'm paying for the classes this time around, I'll be slightly more motivated to continue further after this program is complete. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.

It will take 4 semesters (possibly 3) to complete my second degree; a 2 semester Master's program will follow immediately after. And then I will sit for a 4 part exam to become a CPA.

Clearly, I have gone insane.

I haven't quite figured out what I want to do after all of this. I mean, I can move anywhere and take the different sections of the CPA exam. California has really been on my mind a lot the past couple of years. It's like the east coast, but warmer - all the time. My only requirements when moving somewhere are warm weather and a beach. Last I checked, CA was the leader of that pack. And conveniently enough, I have both friends AND family in CA. Granted, my mother will freak out on me but that's to be expected. She really shouldn't be surprised by my crazy moves anymore.

Ideally, I'd like to live/work/travel in Europe for at least a year. So I will definitely make an attempt to get a job over there after my accounting degree is complete (hopefully with one of the top 5 accounting firms in the world since they have offices all over). If that works out, great. If it doesn't, then I think I shall move west.

Come 2012, I think I'll need some new challenges...

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