Thursday, July 8, 2010

Say that again?

I hate repeating myself.

I always have and I probably always will, mainly because there always tends to be numerous individuals in my life who just don't listen. That's all it boils down to - people aren't really listening. Pay attention, dammit! I take the time out of my day to listen to every little detail that you drone on and on about, yet you can't listen when I ask you a simple question!?

I know sometimes I speak softly, but when I'm telling a story I generally do not. If I catch you off guard and ask you a question and your response is, "What did you say?" then I will gladly repeat myself. Usually I don't know when I catch you off guard and you truly didn't hear me, so please, tell me this fact.

Do not ask me how I'm doing 5 minutes into a phone call... especially because that was the first sentence to exit your mouth after "Hi!" I've been telling you stories about how I'm really doing and you have the nerve to ask me again how I'm doing?! PAY ATTENTION. If I wanted to feel like I was talking to a brick wall, then I really would go and talk to a brick wall.

You're probably asking yourself what I would like for you to take away from this blog posting. It's simple,really... pay attention.

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