Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Chick fil A breakfast

I love Chick fil A! I could eat there at any hour of the day and fill my belly with something delicious.

However, my favorite meal to indulge in while at the CFA is breakfast. Specifically, the chicken biscuit.

I have always had a minor obsession with CFA. When I lived in Vegas, the closest CFA was in CA, about 2.5 hours away. Once I moved back to the east coast where CFA's are around every corner, I felt the need to make up for lost time. I do believe that I had CFA for at least 2 meals a day for the first month I was back in MD. I'm not exaggerating either - just ask my mother. (I was also 20 lbs heavier then. I wonder why?)

Normally, I try not to indulge in fast food. But if I must, I always find myself at CFA. I try to get just chicken since protein is the healthiest thing there, but every now and then I go for the fries or hash browns. I just can't help myself!

A coworker of mine received an extra chicken biscuit on her drive through experience at CFA today and kindly offered it to me. I found this mighty convenient, seeing as how I ran out the door without eating breakfast. I didn't think I was all that hungry, but before I knew it, the chicken biscuit had disappeared into my tummy. Whoopsies!

I really am a healthy eater - I swear! I think the last time I had CFA (or any fast food, for that matter) was about a month ago. I try to hit CFA only once a month, if that. The rest of the time, it's boring grilled chicken, veggies, and salad.


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