Tuesday, July 13, 2010

nosy co-workers

Nosy co-workers are the bane of my existence. It's already enough that my friends know the in's and out's of my daily life - I should not have to share it with people I spend 45+ hours a week with also.

I understand that sometimes you become good friends with those you work with (as you should since you spend a majority of your time at work). But there are those co-workers who are friendly just because they are nosy. Are their lives really that uninteresting that they have to muddle around in mine? Because my life really is not all that entertaining. Although, I'm not married and I don't have kids, so I can see how that aspect is appealing to everyone else in the office. But I digress.

Even though I work in a very small office, I do not feel the need to share my daily non-work stories with my co-workers. I don't want to hear about what your dog ate, what your husband said, or where you took your girlfriend for dinner - so why should you want to hear my stories about something far more boring? Are you that desperate for a juicy story that you must revert to questioning me?

I do the same thing every day - go to work, check my email, work out, talk to my parents, read a book, eat some food, and shower. Trust me, my life is not exciting. You do not need to hear about "what I did last night." Because you will hear the same thing from me: nothing much.

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