Tuesday, July 27, 2010

organ donation

Do me a favor and read this article. Do you think that accused killers should be eligible to receive organ transplants? What about people who have ruined their organs in an attempt to commit suicide?

I do believe in equality for everyone. However, I do not feel that someone who has taken a life, in addition to attempting to take their own, should be "allowed" to receive a life saving organ transplant. I mean, this guy swallowed rat poison so he obviously did not want to live.

It's people like this who deserve to receive organs. I may be partial to this one because this is my cousin, but she's just one example of a life worth saving.

I personally am an organ donor. I really don't see the point in keeping your organs inside your body if you're just going to be buried/cremated. The doctors are not going to "kill" you just because they see the organ donor designation on your driver's license. Don't be selfish.

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