Monday, July 26, 2010


Rachael was in town over the weekend and suggested we go see Inception one afternoon. Oh sure, twist my arm.

I also wanted to see this movie, as I had heard from multiple people - most of whom cannot stand to sit through a 2 hour movie, let alone a 2.5 hour movie - that this was an amazing movie. I did some research into the theme/summary of the movie and was thoroughly confused. I then accepted the fact that I was going to have to rely on other people's opinions and just go into this movie blind. So I did. And the movie was phenomenal.

The acting was amazing. The directing and production was even more amazing. The special effects looked real and not computerized. The complexity of the characters and the plot is mind blowing. Christopher Nolan is a genius. I can't even imagine what goes on inside his head when creating these movies, let alone when writing the script. I really cannot put into words the experience that this movie offers to the viewers. You're just going to have to go see for yourself!

An aside: I really don't understand all the fuss about Leonardo DiCaprio. I mean, he is a great actor and some of my favorite movies have him as the lead character, but I just do not find him attractive. At all. He does, however, choose excellent movie rolls.

I do believe that Inception raked in over 70$ million opening weekend; I'm sure it was close to that again this past weekend. I gladly contributed my 7$ (hello, matinée!) and will probably contribute at least another 10$. Maybe even 20$ if I can find multiple people to attend.

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