Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Karaoke, anyone?

Karaoke has always been a huge hit in Asia. Luckily for those too inebriated to care about how silly they look in front of dozens of people, the fad has made it's way to the good ole US of A.

Apparently, this is a pretty serious pastime in a lot of major cities. LA, of course, is leading the pack.

While karaoke is apparently all the rage, I just cannot seem to get into it. I'm not one to enjoy being the center of attention to begin with. Karaoke, dancing, and getting married aren't high on my priority list for a variety of reasons - the whole "look at me" factor being one of those reasons.

Why am I writing about karaoke if I do not enjoy it, you ask? Well, because I had a crazy dream last night in which I was at a karaoke bar with some of my friends. I was the only one from the whole group who didn't go on stage and make a fool of myself! Even my quiet friend Kristi got up on stage to sing an Oasis song. And THAT is how I knew it was a dream!

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