Monday, July 26, 2010

phone [over]use

It really drives me crazy when a person is constantly on his/her phone. I understand that technology is important these days, and I know that texting and/or emailing is one of the easiest ways for people to stay in touch with each other. I get it. I really do. But I do not understand how an individual can ignore the other people they are with (say, at dinner) and just sit and text the entire time. Not only is that rude, but it's disrespectful. If you'd rather be talking to someone else, then just stay home and talk to them. Or better yet, go spend time with whoever you're texting!

I personally love it when I "forget" my phone and am without it for a few hours. My favorite is actually when I'm in Europe and am without phone for weeks at a time. I don't even like to get on a computer when I'm over there. Yes, I prefer to be completely detached from all forms of technology.

For those of you who are reading this and are constantly on your phone, please do all of us who are able to leave our phones in our purses a favor: put the phone down. At least while you're with us.

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