Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pet Peeve of the Week: Overly Cheery People

I've decided to start a weekly rant about a selected pet peeve of mine. If you know me at all, you know that I have many. If you do now know me, please let me preface this series of rants by saying the following:

I am not a negative person. I surround myself with only the most positive people and influences. I do feel, however, that there are little ticks that annoy everyone. I am using this as a forum to voice said annoyances. Feel free to add your thoughts as well!

This week's pet peeve: overly cheery people

Again, I am not a pessimistic/sad/depressed person. I just don't like it when people get all up in my face with cheer. Seeing as how the holiday season is upon us, this cheer is unfortunately everywhere I turn. Are these people not happy every other season of the year? I wonder.

It also drives me insane when I log into Facebook to find people who say the same thing on a daily basis. "I love my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/child!" or "I have the best husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/child!"

Obviously, you love your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/child - otherwise you wouldn't be with that person! It technically is their "job" to make you happy. So why on Earth do you feel the need to publicize that to all of your FB friends?!

It's like Chris Rock said in one of his skits, "...people are always saying they do things that they're supposed to do. 'I take care of my kids, I take care of my kids.' Fool - you're supposed to take care of your kids! You want a cookie?!"

That's what those statuses remind me of. They also kind of make me want to vomit.

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