Thursday, December 16, 2010

Update: Good Luck Tiffany, er, Chuck?

You may or may not recall my previous post about my theory that the movie Good Luck Chuck is based [loosely] on my life. As six months have passed since that post, much updating is needed! I hope you are all as amused by these updates as I have been throughout the months.

1. Vegas Showboat - He is now married and with his wife, are expecting a baby boy in March. Aside from offering my congrats, I haven't heard much out of this one.

2. Redneck Riviera - He got married on September 11. (Who does that?!?! I mean really. What a horrible day. There are other Saturdays in September, ya know.) And while there are no babies to speak of yet, I'm fairly certain that they will make an appearance in the not too distant future. I haven't heard a peep out of this kid in a long, long time.

3. The Mexican - He went and got married at the courthouse and didn't tell anyone! His wife also had a baby in October and is the spitting image of The Mex. I speak to him (The Mexican, not the baby) on a weekly basis, as we play indoor volleyball together.

4. Beanstalk Boy - After hearing that his girlfriend was expecting, BB proposed. Of course, she said yes. I gather that she is far more excited about this than he is. While I'm sure that all of this would have come eventually, I feel that it happened a bit sooner than he would have liked. Such is life. Aside from a few outings at volleyball, I haven't seen much of this guy.

Now, you're probably all wondering the same thing I am: Who's next?

Honestly, I don't know. I have only dated 2 people in the last year. One will never get married and have kids (trust me on that one). We are actually very similar in so many ways, and I think that we would have worked well together, except for the fact that neither one of us wanted to bend in our views on marriage. So that was that.

The other guy I dated still has no interest in anyone but me. (I mean... can you blame him!?) We are the best of friends and hang out weekly. It's not that I don't want to date him; it's just not fair for me to date anyone seeing as how I barely have time to get 6 hours of sleep a night, let alone spend time with someone else.

As previously mentioned, the only dating I'll be doing over the next 2 years will be with my school books. I am such a lucky girl ;)

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