Thursday, December 16, 2010

PPOTW: Unruly Children

Has it been a week since my last Pet Peeve posting? If it hasn't, oh well. If it has, YAY!

This week's pet peeve: Unruly Children

I really feel that people's parenting skills have fallen off the map over the past decade. The lack of parenting has resulted in the absolutely horrendous youth that fill the streets of the world.

In my opinion, parents these days are lazy and selfish. They are too concerned with how much money they are making, where they are going to travel to next, what kind of car they drive, who is hosting the next social event, etc. All of this "worrying" doesn't leave much time for parenting.

Where are your kids when you are at work for 16 hours a day? Where are your kids when you are out drinking at a couples event? Where are your kids when you spend 2 weeks in the south of France? Do you know the grades that your children are bringing home? Do you know what sports they play? Do you know what they're eating?

Dropping your kids off at the YMCA or their high school gymnasium with $5 in their pocket is not considered parenting.

Because you have been so lazy and selfish throughout your child's entire life, you have failed to instill the core values of respect and manners into these children.

If some of the children that I see/hear in this town were raised by my family, they would probably want to commit suicide. I am by no means saying that I had a rough childhood, but I am saying that I was raised to respect my elders (even if that elder was only 2-3 years older than I), treat others as you would like to be treated, and to always be polite. If I did something wrong, I was disciplined.

Yes, I sometimes have an attitude. Who doesn't? Yes, I sass. And that is what I'm known for. But that is because people and their children are so stupid these days! If I said/did something stupid, I would want someone to tell me. (That goes back to the whole "treat others how you want to be treated" thing.)

Maybe I have these views because I was raised in a military family. Or maybe I just have these views because I possess common sense. Call me crazy, but I think that children need to be spanked and disciplined and grounded. They need to attend etiquette classes and be taught manners. From day 1.

If your children are running around the house, yelling at you and not listening to you when you ask them to do something, then you have a serious problem. If they don't respect you, as their parent, then why should they be expected to respect the rest of the world's population?

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