Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Other Holiday Movies

I cannot believe that I left these movies off of my favorite holiday movies list! I am so mad at myself! I used to watch both of these movies repeatedly (along with the other 5 listed previously), which probably drove my mother insane.

I searched for years to find out the name of this movie. Every time I asked someone if they had watched this as a kid, they seriously thought that I was making this up. I may have had an active imagination as a child, but it wasn't this active!

The one woman action figure was so mean! She really did scare me.

The Nutcracker Ballet

I loved watching any interpretation of The Nutcracker, but it had to be a ballet. Every now and then I'd watch a figure skating version, but it just wasn't the same. If I didn't love to eat so much, I think that I could be a ballerina...

This one was probably my favorite and Mikhail Baryshnikov (of SATC fame) also happens play the prince in this version. (I bet y'all didn't know that before SATC, he was in ballet. He was and still is an amazing performer!)

I also used to watch this version... and this version... more times than I can count.

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