Monday, December 13, 2010

Update: Hounddog

As promised, here is my review for the movie Hounddog:

This movie was not at all what I expected. It was somewhat slow at times, which I guess is ok since the movie is set in Alabama. (Come to find out, the movie was actually filmed about 30 minutes south of where I live currently.)

Anyways, the rape scene itself wasn't all that traumatic but the action itself did have a traumatic effect on Dakota's character (as it would with anyone). The whole storyline was just odd to me. Dakota's aunt came into town and wanted to take her back to live with her. The aunt slept with Dakota's father and didn't get along with D's grandmother. Snakes were everywhere. All Dakota's character wanted to do was see Elvis when he performed in concert in her town.

I really don't have much to say about this movie. It's one of those movies that I'm glad I rented instead of paying 10$ to see in the theaters.

And if I hear the song "Hounddog" one more time, I may have to hurt someone.

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