Friday, December 10, 2010

Cinema Update

My last final was turned in on Monday evening. Here it is Friday and I'm already bored with life. I have read one 400 page book and moved on to another, watched 6 movies, and had one evening of indoor volleyball. And my Friday evening has yet to begin!

I thought I would write a short post about the newly released to DVD movies that I rented this week.

The first was Abandoned with the late Brittany Murphy.

This movie also stars Dean Cain, which I did not know at the time of rental but found myself laughing at during one of the first scenes. (I seriously thought he only did Lifetime movies these days.) Much to my dismay, this movie did belong on the Lifetime network. The plot had good intentions, but the acting was mediocre and the directing was horrible. I had heard that the movie received bad reviews, and now I know why. But at least I can say that I saw Brittany Murphy's last movie.

I also watched Remember Me, starring Robert Pattinson. Chris Cooper was also in this movie, and played the roll of a cop (surprise, surprise).

I had been told by a few people that this movie was excellent, even though it didn't last long in theaters. I was hesitant to see it at first because I absolutely cannot stand RP and all the hype that surrounds him. However, I found this movie to be excellent! I will not give anything away, but there is a twist at the end that had me in tears. Such a great movie.

Sidenote: I actually watched the second movie from my phone. Kinda. I had downloaded it to my Droid, purchased an HDMI cable, and hooked that bad boy up to my TV. The clarity was excellent. The only downside was that every time I received an email or text message, the sound that my phone played was also played through my TV. It made me laugh at first, and then I got mad at everyone who kept texting me. (I guess my unresponsiveness got to them after a while, because the texts eventually stopped.)

Tonight, I plan to watch Hounddog, starring Dakota Fanning. If you'll recall, this is the movie where Dakota's character is raped. Apparently the scene is so graphic that this movie was on limited release and only showing at certain theaters. My theater was not one of those selected. (Shocking, I know.)

Another sidenote: Robin Wright (formerly Penn) is also in Hounddog. I was once on a plane with her and her family (Sean Penn and 2 children) from LAX to Hawaii. I know you all were just dying to acquire that knowledge.

I'll be sure to write another post on my thoughts about this movie. Have you seen any good movies lately that are worth sharing?

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