Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's a techy Christmas!

Apparently my family thinks that I'm technologically savvy. It's not that I'm not TS, but I'm definitely not in the top percentile for TS performance if you know what I mean.

Most of my Christmas gifts involved technology - a MacBook Pro, Kindle, and Sony Blu-Ray/DVD player. Of course, I immediately became obsessed with all 3 devices.

The monstrous snowstorm that was supposed to hit the NE narrowly escaped my parents house. We only got about 2 inches, compared to the foot they were predicting the night before. THANK GOD!

Since my parents live in the middle of nowhere, I had little time to play with my technologic instruments. I did, however, have time to read 2-600 page books. I am ob-sessed with the trilogy by Stieg Larsson. (He is the author who wrote Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, etc.)

I hope you all had a great holiday with your families!

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