Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 - What up!?

Happy 2011, y'all!

I hope that you all had a merry NYE celebration and were able to spend time with your loved ones. If you don't enjoy spending time with your loved ones, then I hope you did something else that you do enjoy!

My obsession with trilogy by Stieg Larsson has continued into 2011. I just started the third and final book on Monday; it only took me a week to read through the other two. Please note that all books are around 600 pages long.

As was the case in 2010, my suitcase still has this habit of throwing up all over my room. But I did ring in the new year with a complete house cleaning - literally ceiling to floor. I feel much better about life!

Now if only I could snap my fingers like Mary Poppins to make my clothes jump into my closet, I'd be set!

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