Monday, January 31, 2011

movie update

Kristi and I went to see Black Swan a couple of weeks ago. I completely forgot to write about it!

This movie was as amazing as all of the reviews had said. I honestly left the movie theater thinking, "WHAT THE HECK?!" After the movie, I found out that this movie was based on a book. Had I known that prior, you know I would have had to wait to see the movie until I read the book. I'm so glad I saw this in the theater! If you're wondering what all the hype is about, I beg you to see this movie. You will soon understand.

During that same movie trip, we also saw The Dilemma.

There were some funny parts but I couldn't help thinking about how long the movie was.... This sort of movie needs to be cut off around an hour and 45 minutes. I think it lasted well over two hours. But I love Vince Vaughn and Kevin James so I really did this for them.

And thennnn, this past weekend, we went to see No Strings Attached.

There were parts of this movie that had me laughing so hard that I was crying. At least I wasn't alone - Kristi was right next to me turning on the laughter. I absolutely love Natalie Portman and I honestly feel that she can portray any character. She is one of the few versatile actresses in Hollywood. And one of her best friends in this movie had me in stitches almost the entire movie - even when she was attempting to be serious. I have no idea why! Anyways, this movie is hilarious and highly recommended!

I have also swiped my Regal Crown Club card so many times that I have earned myself a free soda :) You'd think they'd at least give me a free movie ticket!

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