Sunday, January 9, 2011

Old Man Winter

Apparently we're supposed to get hit with some winter weather on Monday. Most roads in town were pre-treated on Saturday morning; schools in the tri-county area were cancelled for Monday on Sunday around 2 p.m.; my campus announced office closings for Monday on Sunday around 8 p.m. A state agency closed!? What is the world coming to?!

Now, what are the chances that Wilmington will actually see this "weather"? I say 50/50. I don't think that I'll see anything since I live at the beach, but in town there may be some sleet/ice that shows face. Regardless, I don't plan on leaving the house on Monday. Since a Monday off is essentially an extension of the weekend, I plan to continue my weekend tradition of not leaving the house.

But if y'all do hit the roads on Monday and Tuesday, please be careful!

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