Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PPOTW: Girl Stares

I hate it when girls stare at me. Usually it's one of those jealous glares. And I don't get it!

I will admit that I am mildly attractive, but I don't think that I'm any more attractive than the average woman. And I sure as shit am not out to steal your boyfriend. If I wanted to have a boyfriend, trust me when I say that I could have whichever one I wanted. Mmmmmk? Thanks.

I also hate when I'm out with a guy who is my friend, and he sees/brings/meets up with another friend who is a girl. He introduces us and we get along great! But every now and then I catch her glaring at me. Like she's jealous that I'm there with him. Hello, we are not together. If you have a crush on him and want to be more than friends, then tell him! It's not my problem that you're too shy to tell him of your feelings.

I'm just out to live life and have fun while doing it. Haters gon hate.

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