Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Queen City Escape!

Well, I am sad (and glad) to report that classes have started for the spring semester - hence my blogging absence. I am enrolled in 15 credit hours worth of classes so needless to say my free time has been sparse thus far. Most of my free time is spent figuring out the little nuances of my Mac. I haven't been able to spend as much time as I'd like with this jammer, but such is life. Other bouts of free time have been consumed with attempting to formulate some sort of normal schedule for myself. For some reason this semester is giving me a lot of trouble. And I'm really upset because I have yet to fit in a workout! But I hope to resolve that issue this weekend :) I'm also playing indoor volleyball one night a week and coaching a U6 basketball team on another night. So I guess those activities take up some time.

I did manage to find some time to scoot out of town and up to Charlotte to visit my good friend Adam. We hit up some great eat spots, socializing venues (aka bars), and even managed to catch a concert (Steel Magnolia). We also went to a great winery in the Yadkin Valley, Raffaldini Vineyards. We had such a great time and it made me realize how much I miss that kid! must...go...back...soon...

I have loved Charlotte from day 1 - when all I saw was the inside of the airport. I always said that if I moved anywhere else in North Carolina, that it would be to Charlotte. The only thing I do not like about Charlotte is that there are definitive seasons there. But if I have things to do, I don't mind being [somewhat] cold while still outside. Small sacrifice.

Why do I love Charlotte? Allow me to list just a few of the reasons:
- professional athletic teams
- multiple concert venues
- different districts around town
- a "big city" feel in a small town
- proximity to Boone, Lake Norman, etc.
- major international hub

Growing up near D.C., I'm used to the hustle and bustle of the city life. While Charlotte is no where near the size of D.C., it does offer more options and opportunities than Wilmington. It is taking all of the willpower I have to not start job hunting in Charlotte right now. Alas, I must finish schooling before I can move on and do what I want with my professional career.

At least I think that's how it's supposed to go...

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