Friday, December 17, 2010

Subway Flatbread Breakfast Sammich

I love breakfast foods. I just usually do not eat them during the breakfast hours. Why? Because I very rarely eat breakfast.

While in VAB over the summer with Gina, we hit the Subway for some breakfast. At the time, breakfast at Subway was a new concept. Not so much anymore. (I think that Wendy's also has breakfast now.)

Anyways, I haven't had the SFBS since VAB. It was good when I had it there, but I have so many other options for breakfast in Wilmington that Subway never crosses my mind. But for some reason, I really wanted a SFBS yesterday. At 2 p.m. Alas, they do not serve breakfast all day.

I bet you know where I was at 8 a.m. today!

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