Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Why me?" Syndrome

Every single person at one point in their life has asked them self the age old question: "Why me?" I think it's only natural to ask those questions at certain stages in your life. For example, when a relative closest to you is diagnosed with cancer out of the blue and is taken from you far too soon. (Why me? Why my family? What did we do to deserve this?) Or when two perfectly healthy parents produce a child with a disability or incurable disease.

These are not curses, people!! These are lessons. You did not make God angry; you did not do something horrible to "deserve" this so called curse or punishment. This is simply God's way of saying, "Hey, you need some spice in your life. You've had an easy road so far and now it's time to see what you're really made of." If we were all to sit on the sidelines and watch life pass us by, what fun would we have?! Now I'm not saying that cancer and the like are deserved consequences and bi-products for life, but I am saying that life isn't always rainbows and puppies.

Too often I feel that some people are cursed with what I dub the "Why me?" Syndrome. This doesn't strike just anyone. In my opinion (and please keep in mind that I am only one person and my opinion probably doesn't matter to anyone - but I will freely state it anyways), those with this syndrome are those with the lowest self-esteem; those who look for pity from others, who can never seem to "catch a break," who are always looking for some sort of validation from the outside world.

There are times when some people throw out the "Why me?" question for the stupidest scenarios. Like, "Why do I always get stuck at a red light?" Or, "Why does it always start raining when I've forgotten my umbrella?" Seriously?! Seriously?! Get over yourselves, people. There are larger issues going on in this world. I think your new hairdo will survive a few raindrops. And I sure as shit know that you won't melt.

Turn these so called "misfortunes" into opportunities and blessings... and please please please slow down. These are chances for you to learn something new about yourself, others, science, etc. Show the world what you're made of instead of letting those around you dictate your existence.

I'm sorry for all of you who feel that the world is shitting on you. Because it really isn't. I was always raised to believe that God created everyone equal and that He would never give you more than you could handle. You are the master of your destiny. Only you can determine the fate that God has set forth for you. It's up to YOU to achieve all that you can in life; it will not be laid before you like the Yellowbrick Road. (Last time I checked, we did not live in Oz.)

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, then change your attitude.

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