Friday, June 4, 2010

Is Memorial Day supposed to be full of memories?

Oh how I adore three day weekends! Or in my case most recently, a four day weekend.

My sister decided a couple of weeks ago that she wanted to come to the beach for Memorial Day weekend. Now who am I to turn away family fun?! I willingly took off last Friday so we could bask in the glory of the Wrightsville Beach sun and surf for four whole fabulous days. I stocked up on sunblock and pulled out my beach cover-ups from the depths of my closet. I made a valiant attempt to clean the house and warned my roommate about the debauchery that would inevitably ensue with her arrival.

Jenna arrived around 3 a.m. on Friday morning. The girl worked a full day and then drove 6 hours to see me - bless her heart! I, of course, slept while she was driving. I damn well knew that would be my last opportunity to catch some real z's until June... and I am so glad I did! I have this horrible habit of waking up around 6 or 7 a.m., regardless of whether or not I have to be at work that day - weekends included. So I hopped my happy ass out of bed Friday morning around 7 a.m. and started packing for the beach. We ran a few errands and finally made it to the sand around noon. My friend Kristi and her bff from college, Brooke, were already out there waiting for our company. My friend Robbie also met us out there around 1 p.m. We then had a fabulous lunch outside in the sun at South Beach Grill and immediately starting drinking. I'm not quite sure what happened that evening, but apparently we had fun. We did manage to shower (separately) and throw on some make up and mosey on down to the beach bars. All of the details between those events are pretty blurry. Nonexistent, actually. All in all, I'd say it was a successful night!

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday included more of the same - sand, sun, booze, boats, water. You name it, we did it! Saturday night we visited the downtown bars with Robbie and his friend Jerry. We all wanted Jenn to have a taste of the gay bar and true to family fashion, she loved every second of it. We made it out to Masonboro Island on Sunday and I finally got to ride on a jet ski. Yes, I grew up near the water but I was always on the boat fishing, not running around on some crazy water crotch rocket (which, I found, were super fantastically fun). Monday was a day of complete relaxation and recovery. Throughout the whole weekend, we found that we often forgot to eat - we were just too busy being fabulous! So by the time Monday rolled around, we had barely eaten, had drank too much, and not gotten nearly enough sleep. Needless to say, we collapsed on the beach. Jenn left around 5:30 p.m. to head back up to MD and I shot across town to play in a volleyball tournament. I was near death since I hadn't eaten but I managed to make it home around 11 p.m. and in one piece. Jenn also made it home around the same time.

Here's a photo of Jenna dodging the waves on Monday. She aaaaalmost wiped out on this one!

I was miserable at work on Tuesday. I was going through caffeine (and alcohol) withdrawal, I had cramps, and all I wanted to do was sleep. Wednesday was deemed a mental health day so I took off work and slept all damn day. I surely would have killed someone in my office if I had not stayed home to sleep. Thursday rolled by (thanks to fun adventures with Nat after work!) and Friday is my regular half day at work. Guess what I plan to do at noon? GO TO THE BEACH! This time, I'll leave the liquor at home.

The next time Jenna comes to visit, please remind me to hire someone to videotape our lives for the weekend. Maybe that way we'll have a better chance of remembering things. At the very least, we'll have a pilot episode for our new TV show.

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