Friday, June 25, 2010

An Excellent Specimen

I know it's been a while since my last post, but I must piggyback on the AVP subject.

While we were in VAB, I found the finest specimen of a man. In fact, he was right near perfect to the mental image I have impossibly created for what I want my future husband to look like.

His name is Austin Rester. And no, I did not speak to him. He's on the AVP website so he really is near celebrity status in my world. (Anyone who has any sort of bio online, is famous.) That would be like my boss going up and introducing himself to Megan Fox. (Ok, so maybe he isn't that famous, but you get my point.)

Allow me to explain to you why I think he is physically perfect.

1. He's tall - 6'7" to be exact. As a tall girl, I need someone who is at least 6'2". I like to feel like I'm the girl in the relationship. I want to be the little spoon, not the big spoon.

2. He played football in college, which means he has muscles. I love a good male volleyball player, but most of them are just tall and lanky. Way to make me feel less feminine by proving that I have more muscle mass than you do.

3. He's just nice to look at. I fully intend to have whoever I marry be on display for me (and only me) for at least 5 hours a day.

Now I realize that I have probably blown my shot at him proposing to me. Especially since we haven't met yet. I fully intend, however, to attend other AVP events in the future, so maybe he can propose then. I just hope he knows which ring I want.

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