Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby on Board

There's a baby on board, but not on my ship.

After spending all weekend planted in the sand (you know, my normal routine) and people watching to my heart's content, I have come to realize that I really dislike extremely pregnant people wearing itty bitty bikini's. I really don't like anyone wearing a tiny bikini, but especially pregnant people. I understand that these women have every right to be just as tan as the rest of us, but I just do not want to see their bulging bellies while on my days off.

Sometimes I feel like pregnant women should have their own private island where they can go to sunbathe and trade baby names and child rearing secrets.

This also brings me to the topic of being pregnant in general. Call me crazy, but I hope to never be a member of that club. While I absolutely adore little babies, I would rather not have one of my own. I much prefer baby-sitting and playing with my friends' babies. And then hastily returning their child once it starts crying or needs the teat.

I've felt this way every since I was very young, and older women have always told me that I will change my mind. I think most of those women were thinking and hoping that I would have changed my mind by now. But I haven't.

There are multiple people in my life who are pregnant - Angela, Ashley, and Valerie, just to name a few. There are also multiple people in my life who have just given birth - Adrienne and Amber immediately come to mind. While I love looking at pictures and holding these children or rubbing on their bellies, I cannot imagine being a mother. But to each her own, right?!

Those of you who are mothers, rock! Those of you who are not mothers but soon will/hope to be, also rock! Just because I do or do not want to do something, does not mean that you can or cannot do the same thing... or the complete opposite. Although I may sometimes act like a goddess, I'm really not.

(But still feel free to shower me with gifts and love as if I am a goddess. I won't complain.)

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