Tuesday, April 5, 2011


As most Americans are aware, there was a dangerous snake on the loose last week. It apparently escaped from its enclosure a the Bronx Zoo. (As if people going to the Bronx need to worry about running into snakes...)

This really bothered my friend Jeremy because he is deathly afraid of snakes. Even though he lives in North Carolina, Jeremy was very concerned about the snake happenings - so much so that he even contacted our serpentarium downtown to see what their policy is on escaped inhabitants. And along with many others, Jeremy began following the snake on Twitter.

Here is a photo of Jeremy at our local serpentarium last year. He was clearly very excited to be there...

This is my petition to have Jeremy write a guest blog about his findings (or lack thereof) on snake escape procedures, as well as some words on why he harbors such hatred for the majestic creatures. If you have Twitter, please bug him about writing a post. If you have Facebook, harass him. He likes attention.

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