Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ever Forward

Today, as a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, we celebrate Founders Day. (Please spare the jokes about how it is on 4/20. Thanks.)

Tri Sigma has members who have served as a Supreme Court Judge, created the Care Bears, authored books, etc. Our most recent claim to fame is the fact that Carrie Underwood is a member of our sorority. (I knew I loved her for a reason!)

I'm sure that most of my friends don't even know that I was in a sorority in college. It's not something that I advertise, but it's not something that I hide either. The fact is that most of my friends from college came from either my sorority or others on campus.

For example, my best friend Cassie is in Alpha Phi. My other best friend Megan is my sister and in my pledge class.

The experiences that I enjoyed during my college tenure with Tri Sigma and other Greek organizations on campus were truly life altering. I absolutely cannot imagine my life had I chosen another path. I will be eternally grateful for all of the experiences and opportunities that Tri Sigma and Greek life have given me.

I am Faithful Unto Death, a sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma.

In Our Bonds,

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