Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Double Feature

Today was a lazy day. It was pouring down rain everywhere in town and I had tons of [un]important things to accomplish!

I get a pedicure about once a year, usually in the Springtime to prepare for warmer weather. Pedi's aren't necessary other times of the year because I spend so much time in the sand. So, today was pedi day.

Today was also a "stuff yourself like it's the Last Supper at the Chinese Buffet" day.

This was followed by a trip to purchase "super fun kitchen items that I cannot use in my current house because my roommate will break them so I'll just save them for when I buy my first house" things. World Market is slowly becoming a bad house decor addiction, joining the likes of Crate & Barrel, Ikea, and Pottery Barn.

BUT, the highlight of the day was seeing two movies: Unknown (with Liam Neeson, January Jones, and Diane Kruger) and The Adjustment Bureau (with Emily Blunt and Matt Damon). TAB was my favorite of the two (and not just because that abbreviation shares my initials), although I did enjoy both.

Now it is time to study for my three midterms this week. I'll check in again in approximately one week. Until then, it's crazy time.

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