Wednesday, March 16, 2011

all natural face scrub

I find it challenging to find a good exfoliating face scrub. A worker in the Wal-Mart suggested that I try equal parts of sugar and vegetable oil as a face scrub. Well what do you know - it works fabulously!

I took 3 tablespoons of regular ole sugar and mixed it into 3 tablespoons of regular ole baking vegetable oil. (I put this mixture into a container with a lid so I can access it daily. It is housed in my bathroom next to all of my other face products.)

I feel that, since I am in my late 20's and clearly not an adolescent, I should not have acne. And I don't have it bad, but from time to time a blemish does pop up. I also find that they stay longer and leave scars. What's up with that?!?!

WIth this scrub, I have found that the scars are slowly disappearing and the blemishes are far and few between. And I thought the sun was the only miracle worker for my face...

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