Friday, March 4, 2011

randomness aka the story of my life

I feel that, after this week, bullet points and/or numbered bits of randomness are necessary for this particular blog post. I think that "To Do" lists were the only things helping me survive this week so I decided to continue the list-like trend. If you don't like lists (and why would you NOT like lists, by the way?!?!) then you can go ahead and stop reading this now. Begin list:

1. I am currently watching The Golden Girls for the first time in months. This is unheard of! Not a day used to pass when I did not spend quality time with The Girls. That is just one example of how insane my life has been as of late.

2. Speaking of friends, I just received in the mail today a postcard from an old high school friend. So, thank you Jeannie for thinking of me! (And I'm not saying that you're old, just that we've been friends for a while :)) For those of you who love humor, check out her blog here. Jeannie does improv on cruise ships and is honestly the funniest person I have ever met. I know that my readers think that I'm funny but I think that she's funny so you know she must be really funny. Right?!

3. I was attempting to remember everything that happened to me this week while sitting in an 8 a.m. accounting class. But I couldn't. I walked into my office around 11 (after that one class and then multiple meetings) and a co-worker came to visit. He gave me one look and I instantly knew that he was feeling the same as I was. It was just one of those weeks where I didn't know which way was up - both at work and in the classroom - and today was just a Godsend. It truly is a miracle that I made it through the day, let alone the week. I'd like to thank Sarah and Michele for inviting me to lunch today and offering tons of belly laughs.

4. I would also like to thank Kristi for meeting me at 8 p.m. (as I was leaving work, mind you) to have a few beverages and slices of pizza. Sometimes a girl just needs a grape vodka sprite! Tonight, I was that girl.

5. If you're all looking for some extra reading material, check out my bff Cassie's blog about e-dating. She is also hilarious.

6. For some reason, I allowed myself to pick up my Kindle again while waiting between meetings this week. I am now absorbed in another non-fiction book written by a lawyer who somehow gets caught up in conspiracy or something. It sounded interesting when I purchased it on Amazon and it's still holding true. Once I have the energy to hold my eyes open to dig the Kindle out of my purse, I'll give you all the title of the book. Until then, you'll just have to remain on the edge of your seats.

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