Well, this week is Spring Break for the students at
UNCW. This means that my office is finally clear of all student workers which translates to near silence. The phrase "silence is golden" has never rung so near and dear to my heart as it has this week. While there have been maintenance workers coming and going the past couple of days, it still beats hearing the "like" and "oh my god" every 5 seconds. However, it still seems like the space directly outside my office door is still the meeting place for everyone - staff, faculty, maintenance workers, etc.
I am
not amused.
I had almost a dozen students (student workers in the office, classmates, etc.) ask me what I was "doing" for Spring Break. Well, since I am a full time UNCW staff member first and foremost, I will be doing my job without interruption due to classes and related meetings. I do not have the luxury of jetting off to Jamaica or Cancun or wherever it is young college kids visit these days.
My idea of a break is being able to sleep 8 hours a night and getting in a good work out. Is that too much to ask?!?!
With all of that being said, you can understand why I have not been as productive at work as I should be. But with each passing day my concentration gets better and better; Friday is shaping up to be the most productive day of all!
My motivation to do anything at home is also lacking. That long "to do" list that is sitting on my bedside table? Hasn't been touched since it's been made. Those school books that are waiting to be read in an effort to get ahead for the second half of the semester? Haven't been touched since they were taken out of my bag on Friday.
And this is why:
- Monday: My first day without classes was spent catching up on sleep. For twelve hours.
- Tuesday: My second day was spent watching a movie and then catching up on sleep. For nine hours.
- Tonight, I actually managed to work out, cook dinner, clean the kitchen and bathroom, change the air filter, shower and shave, put away some clean laundry, gather up some dirty laundry, and organize my belongings for work tomorrow. If I have any energy left after typing this blog post, I may even flat iron my hair. Hot damn!
I am hoping that tomorrow is a productive day at work and even more so at home! I'd like to attempt to tackle my "to do" list in case the weather is nice and allows for outdoor play time this weekend. I'd also like to put away this other mound of clean laundry that is staring me in the face, as well as sift through some paperwork.
I really feel that life would be much more do-able with a midget assistant. Think of all the extra little things (no pun intended) that could get done in my life. AND I'd be boosting the economy by paying someone a salary.