Thursday, March 31, 2011

Petite Giraffe

If you have watched any sporting event during the month of March, then you've probably seen the Direct TV commercials with a Russian guy, models, and a petite giraffe.

From day 1, these commercials have done nothing but captivate my attention and make me laugh hysterically!

Some genius has even created a website for the giraffes!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Food Chronicles: March Edition

uhhh not quite sure why but I've recently been craving chocolate milk. I've had it twice in the past week and before that I hadn't had it in years.

I'm not a huge fan of milk unless it's in cereal or cookies. (I LOVE COOKIES!)

I guess my body was craving calcium for some odd reason. And no I am not pregnant. Perhaps it's osteoporosis setting in?

When I was a kid I used to adore strawberry milk. It didn't come pre-made so my mom had to buy the Nestle strawberry mix that came in a tin can. You could even put it on your ice cream!

They just don't make stuff like they used to.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lady Hawks

This has been a pretty exciting week in the world of UNCW Women's Basketball. Not only did the Lady Hawks get a bid to the WNIT, but they have also defeated their first round opponent, Richmond.

Now, here's the exciting part...

UNCW gets to host the second round game against Eastern Michigan! Not only is this the first post-season appearance for the Lady Hawks ever (in program history), but it is also obviously our first time hosting a post-season game.

As most of you are aware, I am an avid basketball fan and have been following the UNCW Women's Basketball team all season. Kristi and I even went to the conference tournament in MD last weekend. But I won't lie -- I follow because of Coop. I have loved her since she played for USC and grew up watching her shape the WNBA. She is a huge idol of mine and to have her here on campus is truly amazing.

So, here's to wishing the Lady Hawks the best of luck in the NIT! I'll be there cheering them on. GO HAWKS!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break?! Where?

Well, this week is Spring Break for the students at UNCW. This means that my office is finally clear of all student workers which translates to near silence. The phrase "silence is golden" has never rung so near and dear to my heart as it has this week. While there have been maintenance workers coming and going the past couple of days, it still beats hearing the "like" and "oh my god" every 5 seconds. However, it still seems like the space directly outside my office door is still the meeting place for everyone - staff, faculty, maintenance workers, etc.

I am not amused.

I had almost a dozen students (student workers in the office, classmates, etc.) ask me what I was "doing" for Spring Break. Well, since I am a full time UNCW staff member first and foremost, I will be doing my job without interruption due to classes and related meetings. I do not have the luxury of jetting off to Jamaica or Cancun or wherever it is young college kids visit these days.

My idea of a break is being able to sleep 8 hours a night and getting in a good work out. Is that too much to ask?!?!

With all of that being said, you can understand why I have not been as productive at work as I should be. But with each passing day my concentration gets better and better; Friday is shaping up to be the most productive day of all!

My motivation to do anything at home is also lacking. That long "to do" list that is sitting on my bedside table? Hasn't been touched since it's been made. Those school books that are waiting to be read in an effort to get ahead for the second half of the semester? Haven't been touched since they were taken out of my bag on Friday.

And this is why:
- Monday: My first day without classes was spent catching up on sleep. For twelve hours.
- Tuesday: My second day was spent watching a movie and then catching up on sleep. For nine hours.
- Tonight, I actually managed to work out, cook dinner, clean the kitchen and bathroom, change the air filter, shower and shave, put away some clean laundry, gather up some dirty laundry, and organize my belongings for work tomorrow. If I have any energy left after typing this blog post, I may even flat iron my hair. Hot damn!

I am hoping that tomorrow is a productive day at work and even more so at home! I'd like to attempt to tackle my "to do" list in case the weather is nice and allows for outdoor play time this weekend. I'd also like to put away this other mound of clean laundry that is staring me in the face, as well as sift through some paperwork.

I really feel that life would be much more do-able with a midget assistant. Think of all the extra little things (no pun intended) that could get done in my life. AND I'd be boosting the economy by paying someone a salary.

all natural face scrub

I find it challenging to find a good exfoliating face scrub. A worker in the Wal-Mart suggested that I try equal parts of sugar and vegetable oil as a face scrub. Well what do you know - it works fabulously!

I took 3 tablespoons of regular ole sugar and mixed it into 3 tablespoons of regular ole baking vegetable oil. (I put this mixture into a container with a lid so I can access it daily. It is housed in my bathroom next to all of my other face products.)

I feel that, since I am in my late 20's and clearly not an adolescent, I should not have acne. And I don't have it bad, but from time to time a blemish does pop up. I also find that they stay longer and leave scars. What's up with that?!?!

WIth this scrub, I have found that the scars are slowly disappearing and the blemishes are far and few between. And I thought the sun was the only miracle worker for my face...

Friday, March 11, 2011

inconsequential nonsense

Wow, a lot has happened this week.

Just as I was thanking God that it was Friday and for allowing me to survive another hectic week, I learned of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. Immediately, I stopped worrying about my foolish schedule, my massively long "to do" list, and the so-called troubles I'm having. It's sad that it took something so devastating to put all of this into perspective.

My heart and prayers go out to those affected by this awful disaster.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Double Feature

Today was a lazy day. It was pouring down rain everywhere in town and I had tons of [un]important things to accomplish!

I get a pedicure about once a year, usually in the Springtime to prepare for warmer weather. Pedi's aren't necessary other times of the year because I spend so much time in the sand. So, today was pedi day.

Today was also a "stuff yourself like it's the Last Supper at the Chinese Buffet" day.

This was followed by a trip to purchase "super fun kitchen items that I cannot use in my current house because my roommate will break them so I'll just save them for when I buy my first house" things. World Market is slowly becoming a bad house decor addiction, joining the likes of Crate & Barrel, Ikea, and Pottery Barn.

BUT, the highlight of the day was seeing two movies: Unknown (with Liam Neeson, January Jones, and Diane Kruger) and The Adjustment Bureau (with Emily Blunt and Matt Damon). TAB was my favorite of the two (and not just because that abbreviation shares my initials), although I did enjoy both.

Now it is time to study for my three midterms this week. I'll check in again in approximately one week. Until then, it's crazy time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rolling in the Deep

I am midly addicted to this song. And when I say mildly, I mean absolutely obsessed!

Friday, March 4, 2011

randomness aka the story of my life

I feel that, after this week, bullet points and/or numbered bits of randomness are necessary for this particular blog post. I think that "To Do" lists were the only things helping me survive this week so I decided to continue the list-like trend. If you don't like lists (and why would you NOT like lists, by the way?!?!) then you can go ahead and stop reading this now. Begin list:

1. I am currently watching The Golden Girls for the first time in months. This is unheard of! Not a day used to pass when I did not spend quality time with The Girls. That is just one example of how insane my life has been as of late.

2. Speaking of friends, I just received in the mail today a postcard from an old high school friend. So, thank you Jeannie for thinking of me! (And I'm not saying that you're old, just that we've been friends for a while :)) For those of you who love humor, check out her blog here. Jeannie does improv on cruise ships and is honestly the funniest person I have ever met. I know that my readers think that I'm funny but I think that she's funny so you know she must be really funny. Right?!

3. I was attempting to remember everything that happened to me this week while sitting in an 8 a.m. accounting class. But I couldn't. I walked into my office around 11 (after that one class and then multiple meetings) and a co-worker came to visit. He gave me one look and I instantly knew that he was feeling the same as I was. It was just one of those weeks where I didn't know which way was up - both at work and in the classroom - and today was just a Godsend. It truly is a miracle that I made it through the day, let alone the week. I'd like to thank Sarah and Michele for inviting me to lunch today and offering tons of belly laughs.

4. I would also like to thank Kristi for meeting me at 8 p.m. (as I was leaving work, mind you) to have a few beverages and slices of pizza. Sometimes a girl just needs a grape vodka sprite! Tonight, I was that girl.

5. If you're all looking for some extra reading material, check out my bff Cassie's blog about e-dating. She is also hilarious.

6. For some reason, I allowed myself to pick up my Kindle again while waiting between meetings this week. I am now absorbed in another non-fiction book written by a lawyer who somehow gets caught up in conspiracy or something. It sounded interesting when I purchased it on Amazon and it's still holding true. Once I have the energy to hold my eyes open to dig the Kindle out of my purse, I'll give you all the title of the book. Until then, you'll just have to remain on the edge of your seats.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Current Food Addictions

I currently have 2 food addictions and, surprisingly, neither of them are candy/processed!

They are....

[drumroll, please]



sun dried tomatoes


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

oh, how sad

Well, the month of Tiffany has officially ended.

As I sit and procrastinate with management course materials staring me in the face, I'd like to thank all of you who made my birthday a fabulous series of events.

And I'd like to give a special shout out to the YMCA for choosing to conduct gym repairs during the week of my birthday! You prevented volleyball matches from being held which inevitably prevented me from getting angry with a certain previously mentioned "teammate."

Here's to hoping that March and some warmer weather will help foster and lengthen my stretches of motivation and creativity...