Thursday, February 17, 2011

PPOTW: Uneducated Athletes

(Yes, I realize that I am posting two consecutive PPOTW's. However, I just realized that we are already 3 weeks through this month and I have yet to post any PPOTW's. So, my dear lucky readers, you get them all at once!)

Allow me to provide some [but most certainly not all] background information about my athletic career...

I have been playing competitive indoor volleyball for about 20 years now. (Where I'm from, they start us young!) I have been coaching all levels of competitive indoor volleyball for close to 6 years. When I moved back down to NC, I started playing outdoor beach volleyball - so that's about 4 years I've been playing of competitive beach.

Now, when I meet someone who has only played outdoor volleyball and it has only been for 2 years, I tend not to take them too seriously. Yes, you can learn a lot by playing outdoor. But the outdoor game is not easily translated to the indoor game, which is where I met said person.

So, when I play indoor with this nameless person mentioned in the above paragraph and he tries to tell me how to play volleyball or whispers smartass remarks under his breath, I pretty much want to massacre him on the court with my bare hands.

1. I do not appreciate it when people of a lesser caliber attempt to coach me.
2. If you're going to say something to me, it damn well better be without an attitude.
3. No one on the team likes you because it's always all about you. Get over yourself.

Someone please explain to me how a guy who is much younger than I and who has only played outdoor for a couple of years, can possibly know more about indoor volleyball than a nationally certified coach who has been playing for over 20.

When you figure out that answer, please pass it along to me. Thanks.

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