Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Big Bang Theory

Last year, I gained a new tv show addiction: The Big Bang Theory.

I was at my parents for a visit for an extended period of time and one of the local stations happened to be showing a marathon of TBBT, which also happens to be one of my mother's favorite shows. Since it was a weekend and there was nothing better to do in that po-dunk town, mom and I took to conquering the marathon on the tube.

This show makes me audibly laugh almost the entire time! Just when I think I've recovered from laughing at one line, someone says something else that's even funnier. I'd like to meet the writers for this show.

I can't decide who my favorite character is though. Sheldon probably has the best one-liners but I also like Penny because she is the only girl in a sea of dorky men.

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