Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Month of Tiffany

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the famed event that takes place during the entire month of February, allow me to fill you in.

And no, I am not speaking of Black History Month.

I, of course, am speaking about The Month of Tiffany. aka February. aka my birthday month. That's right, I've devoted an entire month to celebrating ME! (I would choose an entire year but then others would not get to share in the spotlight and if I'm anything, it's a sharer.)

I feel that celebrating myself for an entire month is completely acceptable. Not only is February the shortest month of the year, but it is also usually the coldest. So I've really helped in jazzing up the month. We all need a reason to celebrate for 28 days and I for one am growing tired of celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks (although they have both made significant contributions to our country). I just needed a change of pace, dammit!

I can't remember when I instituted The Month of Tiffany. All I can remember is that it was one of the best ideas that I've ever had.

What would make it even better though is if someone were to give me a little gift every day of the month! A painting, candy, flowers, movie tickets, dinner... anything, really. I'm easily entertained. I'll even accept a hand made card. You all have 27 more days to come up with fabulous gifts. I will also accept jewels, vacations, houses, and automobiles. There is no price cap on these gifts. So go crazy!

Let me know if you need my mailing address.

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