Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sassy & Single

This article made me laugh. And not because it sounds like something I would do. But because these women sound like they could be two of my friends.

While they bring information to light that some may be unaware of, I [sadly] have already figured this out. Sometimes I'm just too smart for my own good. :)

This article also made me further realize that I have absolutely no desire to date. Anyone. Period. For a long time.

Call me broken, scarred, bruised - whatever you want. But that isn't the case. Apparently some think that I'm abnormal because I'm completely content not being in a relationship. I'm sorry, but last I checked, that was called "being comfortable with myself."

It amazes me how some of my friends long to be in a relationship and "with" someone. We all have those friends who bounce from relationship to relationship, regardless of whether or not it's in their best interest. These people are no weaker than I am; I have simply chosen to live my life differently.

I have found that I am:
1. comfortable enough with myself to be alone
2. too completely consumed with my career and school to worry about someone else
3. having too much fun being single (i.e. able to do what I want, when I want)

I don't know what my future holds so I really try not to say things like "I don't ever want to get married." (Unfortunately, I misplaced my crystal ball in 1993 and therefore lost my ability to look into the future.) I'm simply saying that for the next 5 to 10 years, I am completely content continuing as I always have: alone.

1 comment:

  1. I was where you are now about 3 years ago... and I 10000% get it. Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend. but i don't need him to feel complete. I told him early(2 weeks in fact) on if he wanted marriage and a baby factory for a woman,count me out. I am going to do what makes me happy, and you can come along for the ride or not. Probably because I had been single and independent for so long before he came along, and the previous guys in my life WERE looking for a baby factory, marriage wanting woman. Just so happens he thought that was refreshing that I didn't. so three years later here we are happily unmarried living our relationship through drive-by's and random rendezvous, since I like to go out and he doesn't. We are content with dogs and free time and the actual possibility of early retirement. I agree with every aspect of your feelings toward "life" and the future, being alone does not equal doom and gloom.
