Monday, August 16, 2010

Reality Is Sinking In


I quit my job.

Granted, it was a week ago, but it's finally sinking in. I wish I could tell some glamorous story as to why I quit my job, but I really can't. I wish I could say that I've quit so that I can travel the world for a year, or so that I can go back to school for my Ph.D, or so that I can move to The Keys to work in a dive shop under every tourist's beck and call. But alas, I cannot.

I am simply moving to another department on campus. However, I am VERY comfortable with my current job. I have molded it the way I want it and completely reorganized everything in that office. All that is left to do is maintain it. Maintenance bores me. Hence, the job search and me stepping outside of my comfort zone.

I would randomly apply for jobs here and there, mainly at the suggestion of a co-worker. The job that I accepted and will start September 1 had completely fallen off of my radar by the time I was called for an interview.

I was interviewed on a Thursday morning. My boss was called Friday morning for a reference. The woman conducting the interview was on vacation the following week. I was offered the position the next Monday and I accepted on Tuesday. I told my boss the following Monday, giving him over 3.5 weeks of notice (which he greatly appreciated). The posting to find my replacement was posted online today (and yes, I wrote it).

Now, the reason I say it's just now finally sinking in is this: I have an incredible amount of work to do to prepare my replacement for the daily tasks of my job. I thought a month would be plenty of time to work the 6 events that we have planned, conduct my normal daily duties, plan a BOD meeting, and compose a job manual for my position. Boy was I wrong!

Per usual, random "emergencies" keep popping up on an almost hourly basis which tears me away from my daily tasks which in turn tears me away from composing the job manual.

On top of all of this, my full time classes start on Wednesday. What on Earth was I thinking?!?!

Clearly, I am Superwoman.

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