Thursday, August 26, 2010

26 hours in a day

If there were at least 2 more hours in each day, I think the probability of me surviving the next 3 months would exponentially increase.

When I was in undergrad, I never understood how people would work full time AND attend classes on a full time basis (some also tended to families). Now that I have become one of those crazy adults, I still don't understand how people do it. I've only made it through one full week of classes and I'm not quite sure how I'm still functioning.

I have somehow managed to [almost] close out everything at my soon to be "old" job, get things in order for my "new" job, attend 3 classes on campus, "attend" one class online, do homework and read for said classes, work out, and play volleyball. Phew.

Notice that I didn't mention sleep. That's because I haven't gotten any. (I also didn't mention showering or eating, but rest assured that those tasks are being taken care of.) Between working 60-70 hour weeks and keeping up with schoolwork, there just isn't time to sleep. And I love to sleep.

Last Saturday, I had to attend a board meeting for work for close to 7 hours. I barely had time to get home, shower, change clothes, and get my butt across town for a bartending gig. I attempted to meet some friends for a few drinks downtown, but barely made it through one. I collapsed into bed around 1 a.m. and slept until noon on Sunday. WHO DOES THAT?!?! Apparently, I needed the sleep. But I haven't slept much since then. WHO AM I!??!

School really isn't the issue. I can easily make time to study on my lunch break, before bed, or even during class. It's work that's killing me. A normal work week consists of 40 hours. But because our staff is so small, and because events season is starting again, and because I'm attempting to tie up loose ends before I leave, I have been working 60-70 hour weeks. For those of you who know me well, you know that I am absolutely miserable doing this. For those of you who don't know me well, I will explain to you why...

- working that much does not allow me time to work out
- nor does it allow me time to sleep
- nor does it allow me time to keep my life in order (read: my closet tends to throw up all over my room)
- the people I work with drive me insane

Thankfully, I work half a day tomorrow (Friday), a full day on Monday, and half a day on Tuesday. That's roughly 20 hours of time I have to spend in my office with a staff that has slowly started to drain my soul. No no, I'm not counting down or anything.

However, I will say that last week was a bit out of character for me. I was house/dog sitting; I had to work 2 events for work; and I had a bartending job that isn't normal for me. So I was veering away from my usual routine. Even if I veer away the tiniest bit from that routine, my whole week is thrown off.

Anyways, this week has been somewhat more normal. My sleep schedule is almost back to normal although I still don't think I'm getting enough. I'm just ready for my new job to start so I can kick these work outs up into high gear.

20 more hours, 20 more hours, 20 more hours...

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