Thursday, October 6, 2011

Current Obsession: EOS Lip Balm

If you know me at all, then you know that I am constantly applying chapstick. I just like to have lips that are moisturized! (Have you ever seen someone whose lips are peeling?! Ew!)

Normally, I'm pretty loyal to Bert's Bees. But a good friend/coworker of mine turned me on to Evolution of Smooth Lip Balm.

The EOS balms look like little eggs. They are cute and colorful! These would be great gifts in an Easter basket (because of the shape, obviously) or as a stocking stuffer.

I have two flavors: summer fruit and sweet mint. Both are in the picture above.I keep one on my night stand and one in my purse. But I fully intend to snag every color/flavor when I see them. I saw the lemon drop, also pictured above, but did not purchase it when I saw it. I must have been preoccupied with food or something.

I'm collecting all of the flavors just to sample them. Not because I'm obsessed or anything...

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