Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today my good friend Adam and I watched our other good friend, Mark, compete in the Beach2Battleship half ironman. We met up with his wife, Adrienne, and their daughter, Taylor, early this morning to catch the first leg of the race - the swim. (You can see him in the picture above. He's totally visible. Open your eyes!) After that we headed to the transition area where we saw Mark run from the end of his swim to the transition area where he had to locate his bike in the sea of metal and wheels. He came around the corner, running like the most excited child on Christmas Day. After swimming 2.5 miles. (I personally would have thrown in the towel at about 100 meters.) The guy is always so full of energy and enthusiasm and he never ceases to amaze me with all that he does.

Adam and I didn't make it downtown to see the run portion of the race, but Adrienne did tell me that Mark completed the entire half ironman in 6 hours and 50 minutes!!! The guy is amazing, as is everyone else who competed in this race.

He absolutely motivated me to get out and run. But I have to finish watching Julie & Julia first.

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