Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lo siento.

Holy cow.

I just realized that I haven't uploaded a blog post in almost 3 weeks! My sincere apologies to those readers whose lives hang on the edge of a cliff waiting for my blog updates.

As most of you know, I went on a 10 day vacation to the FL Keys with my good friend Kristi. Before I could leave, however, I had to knock out 5 exams and 7 projects/homework assignments for class. Working full time and going back to school full time sounds lovely, doesn't it?!

Anyways, because I had all of that to do, in addition to prepping my office for my departure, I didn't post before I left. And I haven't posted since we returned because I've been busy adjusting to being back in reality. It took me 4 days to catch up on things at work. I've only had one day of classes due to Fall Break, so I'm still not in the swing of things in that department.

Oh, and my suitcase has thrown up all over my bedroom floor. The nerve.

But, I promise that I will post about our adventures sometime soon. And when I say soon I mean before the year ends :)

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