Friday, October 22, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2

Well, I finally went to see Paranormal Activity 2. Or rather, it was finally released into theaters. I feel like I've been waiting years to see this movie, but it's really only been a week or so.

As you recall, I saw the original PA last weekend. We were going to see PA2 at midnight, but then found out that they had a 10 p.m. show. SOLD. (After all, we are old and require at least 8 hours of sleep per night.)

I peed twice before the movie and didn't drink or eat during it because I didn't want to have to get up and leave! While I expected more from the movie, I still enjoyed it. It has a lot of the same "actions" as the first movie so it's not like there's anything new to see in that department. I really liked how they tied it into the first movie though. It explains everything! And I cannot wait to see what they do with the third, which is being filmed in Japan so you know it's going to scare me half to death.

All in all, I give it two thumbs up. I can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say about it!


Last weekend, Kristi and I went to the white church and purchased pumpkins for carving. (White as in that's the color of the exterior of the church, not as in that's the color of the people who go there.) We only spent 30 minutes searching for the perfect carving pumpkins; we budgeted an hour. Then we went to the UNCW women's volleyball match to watch an atrocious spectacle but I won't get started on that sour story.

It took another hour to clean out the pumpkins - my least favorite part. We both had to draw our own designs and transfer them so that took some time as well. Kristi chose a whale tale, similar to a drawing done by her favorite artist, Wyland. I chose a skull and crossbones with a bow (which I imagine being pink).

In my opinion, both turned out lovely:

Kristi had purchased last year at Walmart these handy dandy electronic pumpkin carvers. They made carving so much easier and less painful :)

After the punkin festivities, we decided to make it an official fall day and have a bonfire! The fire lasted a couple of hours and we had no problems staring into it for that period of time. It was so relaxing.

Here is a photo of Carter taking in the sights and keeping his little nose warm:

THEN we decided to put the feather in the fall hat by watching Paranormal Activity. I had never seen it and Kristi hadn't seen it since it was in theaters. I figured that since we had planned to go see PA2 with some of her coworkers, that I should probably see the first one so I know what I'm in for. I must say that it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, but my heart rate definitely increased. It wasn't gory or gross, but it did allow for your imagination to wander. And that is the worst part. Because you never know who or what was in your house before you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lo siento.

Holy cow.

I just realized that I haven't uploaded a blog post in almost 3 weeks! My sincere apologies to those readers whose lives hang on the edge of a cliff waiting for my blog updates.

As most of you know, I went on a 10 day vacation to the FL Keys with my good friend Kristi. Before I could leave, however, I had to knock out 5 exams and 7 projects/homework assignments for class. Working full time and going back to school full time sounds lovely, doesn't it?!

Anyways, because I had all of that to do, in addition to prepping my office for my departure, I didn't post before I left. And I haven't posted since we returned because I've been busy adjusting to being back in reality. It took me 4 days to catch up on things at work. I've only had one day of classes due to Fall Break, so I'm still not in the swing of things in that department.

Oh, and my suitcase has thrown up all over my bedroom floor. The nerve.

But, I promise that I will post about our adventures sometime soon. And when I say soon I mean before the year ends :)