Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scientific "theories"

I saw a bumper sticker on student's car today that read: Evolution is a theory, just like relativity.

I literally said, "REALLY!?!" aloud for all to hear.

One would think that since this bumper sticker owner is in college that they are somewhat educated, albeit probably liberal. But being the scientist that I am, I must argue with this bumper sticker and its owner. Not only is evolution a proven scientific "theory," but so is relativity. These two confirmed events were only coined as theories because at the time of discovery (you know, before TV and the internet, which I'm sure kids these days couldn't even fathom), they could not be proven. Through many experiments and much research across many decades, both evolution and relativity were confirmed. I do believe that folks even won Nobel Prizes for some of their discoveries. Imagine that!

FYI - all scientific discoveries are considered theories until they are proven facts. Sometimes, the "theory" part of a statement/discovery sticks because the ideas spread so rapidly.

If you don't believe me, then head on down to the library and do some research. Like, using books. And another FYI - is not a book.

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