Sunday, September 19, 2010

rats with wings

My best friend Megan lovingly refers to seagulls (or any type of bird for that matter) as "rats with wings." I must say that after years of thought, I thoroughly agree with that statement. Not only do they look dirty, but I think that they really are dirty. They rummage around in trashcans, eat food out of stupid tourists' hands, and squawk like a dying beast.

For some reason, tourists at the beach are fascinated by these birds. (I am not amused. I am also deathly afraid that one will poop on my head.) Tourists cheerily feed seagulls Cheetos from their fingers and take pictures of these dirty things swarming around their children. I'm waiting for one of these birds to fly away with someone's finger as their snack. That'll teach em!

No matter where I am on the beach, these guys always seem to find me. Case in point... my view today:

Seagulls are really just of no benefit to society. And it is illegal to intentionally murder a seagull... so I get really excited when I see one as road kill :)

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