Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Melatonin pills

Melatonin is my new best friend. (Please do not confuse this hormone with melanin, a pigment found in skin.)

I had gone to the doctor a few months ago and as part of my check-up, she asked how I was sleeping. It was funny she asked that because it was on my mental list of things to ask her about. Truth be told, I wasn't sleeping well at all and I hadn't been for months. She suggested that since I do not like taking unnatural medications, that I try 3 mg melatonin pills. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone found in plants and animals, so it's already in my system. However, sometimes an extra dose is needed to aid in regulating one's circadian rhythm.

So, after my appointment, I drove my happy ass down to The Target and purchased some pills and immediately hopped into my bed at home, anxious to see if they would work.

Much to my surprise, they did help me have a longer and more effective REM cycle. How do I know this? Well, because I was having very vivid dreams and the REM cycle is when your dreams occur.

I am not a dreamer. If I have dreams, I don't remember them. But whenever I take these pills, I remember my dreams. They're too weird to not remember.

There are some nights when I forget to take the melatonin pills and I can feel it the next morning. My body just did not get a restful night's sleep. The thing I love about these pills the most (aside from the crazy dreams) is the fact that I don't wake up feeling groggy, since it's a natural supplement. The bottle also says that these pills can act as a dietary supplement, but what vitamins don't?! I mean really, nice marketing...

For more information on melatonin and what it can do for you (Do I sound like an advertisement or what?! I really should get paid for this.), visit this link.

Sweet dreams!

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