Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I love cupcakes!

Do you ever have a day (or three) when you're just down in the dumps? You don't know where this feeling came from and not even your favorite person in the whole wide world can cheer you up. Well, my friends, that is how I'm feeling today. It may be hormonal (sorry for all of you men who think this is TMI - get over it) but I really haven't traced these feelings long enough to figure it out. I'm a happy person 98% of the time so I always get super upset with myself when I start to feel like this. There is absolutely no reason for me to be sad! Life is great!

So, on days like this, I like to treat myself to a cupcake. But not just any cupcake. I enjoy delicious miniature cake treats from none other than Coastal Cupcakes. Not only are the two owners of this company women, but they are also UNCW alumnae and very active in the local community. They attend a lot of Alumni Association events with the brightest smiles and that makes the whole staff extremely happy!

Coastal Cupcakes offers a variety of delicious treats for customers. They have "everyday flavors" that you can find on the daily menu, but they also have "special flavors" that are available on different days of the week. One of their most popular "special flavors" is bacon (gag). Apparently these cupcakes go flying off of the shelves, and people pre-order them by the dozen. I adore cupcakes, but I do not adore bacon.

Some of my personal favorite flavors include: key lime krazy, flip flop chocolate, cookies n cream, and chocolate angel food with Nutella whip cream. Now, that is not to say that I despise the other flavors. In all honestly, I'll eat anything that does not contain bacon and/or coconut. Give me a cupcake (or an entire cake) and I'm a happy girl!

I just had to share these two cupcakes with you. How cute are they!??! I think this is such a creative idea for a wedding...

Coastal Cupcakes has two locations - one in downtown Wilmington (which is convenient to my office) and another right before the drawbridge at Wrightsville Beach (which is convenient to my home). The prices are fairly reasonable too, if you don't have the time/imagination to make your own delicious cupcake concoctions. With all of that being said, there really is no reason for me to not eat cupcakes every day!

(I would also like to add that I deserve multiple cupcakes today because not only am I feeling blue, but I have to go sit in a dang staff meeting. UGH!)

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